Transformers is a series of American science fiction action films based on them created by Hasbro and Tomy. Michael Bay has directed the first five films - Transformers (2007), Revenge of the Dropped (2009), Dark of the Moon (2011), Age of Extinction (2014) and The Previous Knight (2017). A spin-off entitled Bumblebee: The Movie, aimed by Travis Knight, is scheduled for 2018, and a seventh film is scheduled to be released in 2019. The series has been distributed by Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks.
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The live-action film series has received mixed to negative reception, including criticism on the plots, sophomoric humor, overuse of product positionings and the lengths of the films, but praise on the visual effects, action sequences and music. It is the 11th-highest-grossing film series, with an overall total of $4. 3 million; two films in the series have individually grossed over $1 billion.
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